Account number: 2101309137 / 2010
Account holder: European Network for Academic Integrity, spolek
Account Name: European Network for Academic Integrity, spolek

Balance on: 06/27/2024 Balance on: 07/27/2024 Total incomes Total expenses Total amount Current balance
47,961.78 EUR 46,354.35 EUR 2,350.00 EUR -3,957.43 EUR -1,607.43 EUR 46,354.35 EUR

Date Amount Type Corresponding account name Message for beneficiary KS VS SS Note
07/18/2024 300.00 EUR Cashless income UNIVERSITY OF WOLLON
07/18/2024 -875.60 EUR Card Transactions
Nákup: AIRBNB * HMTWQ54F92, 4 Rue Henri Schnadt, 415-800-5959, 2530, LUX, dne 17.7.2024, částka 21556.52 CZK
8258 Nákup: AIRBNB * HMTWQ54F92, 4 Rue Henri Schnadt, 415-800-5959, 2530, LUX, dne 17.7.2024, částka 21556.52 CZK
07/15/2024 -139.84 EUR Cashless payment 0308 9999864061 Health Insurance SK
07/15/2024 -322.57 EUR Cashless payment 0308 9000950145 Social Insurance SK
07/15/2024 -1,619.84 EUR Transfer within the bank
Salaries, taxes
Salaries, taxes
07/10/2024 -9.86 EUR Card Transactions
Nákup: SHOPTET*Dekujeme, Dvoreckeho, Praha, 16900, CZE, dne 9.7.2024, částka 242.00 CZK
8258 Nákup: SHOPTET*Dekujeme, Dvoreckeho, Praha, 16900, CZE, dne 9.7.2024, částka 242.00 CZK
07/05/2024 1,700.00 EUR Cashless income Nor Education As
Nor Education As
07/03/2024 -7.94 EUR Fee
07/03/2024 -981.78 EUR Foreign currency payment
PUPP conference - sponsors attendan
ce fee
PUPP conference - sponsors attendance fee
07/01/2024 350.00 EUR Cashless income UNI.EUROPAEA IMF SLU
Pagament fra. 10024043